Some of the tools used for the project

Here are some of the tools we used to create our caches. In its simplest form, a cache always contains a logbook or log sheet for you to log your find. Larger caches may contain a logbook and any number of items. These items turn the adventure into a true treasure hunt. You never know what the cache owner or visitors to the cache may have left for you to enjoy. Remember, if you take something, leave something of equal or greater value in return. It is recommended that items in a cache be individually packaged in a clear, zipped plastic bag to protect them from the elements. helped with logs, geographic location and the biggest item, the clue that students had to decode.

This picture shows a screen on the GPS device. Most of us used our phone, but we did have one GPS.

 This is the Glowforge. It allowed students to etch items that they felt reminded them of the pandemic.


Below is an etched piece of wood that was completed with the Glowforge etcher. It has butterflies, birds and a flower. This student had "remembered, just like a butterfly has to become a chrysalis before it is released, in the pandemic we were kept in our chrysalis until things got better."


This etch was done by our librarians before this project started, but it had to be posted to show school spirit!


We also used the Maker Bot to 3D print items. The item you see printed in blue is in the shape of a key, that was a key chain. This student put her name on the key.  The key reminded her of going out and coming home prior to the pandemic. "We didn't really use keys when we were in lock down.You take for granted little things like a key when you cannot use them."





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